Thursday, July 21, 2011

Just Ducky

Once again my wonderful blog partners covered for me, taking my day to post on short notice.
It is so nice to know that they are there, always supportive one way or another.
I thought I would do kind of like a little dedication post for each one….one week at a time. I would like to do them all in one day, but that would make this post waaaaaay too long, so here goes the first one.
It is all about the duck….she knows exactly who she is…..
SHUT THE DUCK UP greeting card rubber ducky

Make way for ducklings

Frosted Glass Duck

Duckling Duck Yellow Bird Stuffed Animal Toy

Mallard Hen Decoy

Little Duck Cell Phone Pouch

feelin just ducky

Hope you all have a great day and if it is hot and humid where you are (like it is here) I hope you stay cool…think like a duck and go play in some water.



Runs With Scissors said...

Get the duck out!!! This is just too cute and I can't wait to see the others! I love the cellphone pouch!

Peppercorns said...

I am laughing so hard...we love the duck! Rather fond of the little Duckling too.

I would also like to thank the duck for always being there for us and bailing us out.

Great post jj!

goodgosh said...

LOLOL~ I know just who this is for.

Both of you shut the duck up!!!

Oh, good memories.