Friday, September 24, 2010

Now What Do I Do???

Okay, so you’re pulling out all your old jewelry or maybe out “thrifting” and thinking to yourself, “I’ll never wear it, don’t want to give it away – let’s see if I can sell it”.  But now, what is it?  Who made it?  How do I price it? 

This is me with every piece I think to sell.  So here is my process.  First, I try to see if there are “markings” or not.  Markings are usually on the back and it points the way to the designer or maker of that piece.  Here is a great site I go to when I don’t recognize the mark then I can advertise it by WHO made it. 

Of course, this only helps when the piece is signed.  When it’s not and you simply have an unmarked piece of jewelry, you start searching for that item, or something very similar.

Trying to describe pieces you don’t know much about is a very frustrating thing.  Materials, styles, colors, and the list goes on and on.  But there are some great sites out there that are very helpful.  And wanting to be in a competitive market for vintage jewelry you want to be sure you’re not too high or too low (unless you just want to get rid of things of course).  So these sites will also help in getting ideas to price your jewelry.  Here are just a few:

I have found these sites pretty easy to navigate through.  I think you will too.

So the next time you pick up a piece of jewelry and you’re not sure what to do with it, check out these sites and see what you find.  Who knows, you may have a collectors piece worth lots more than you ever imagined.



  1. Thanks for the information duuuuude. Off to check out the links that you posted.

  2. This could definitely be helpful - thanks!

  3. Hey Duuuude...good information here, Thanks!

  4. Will for sure check those links out in the future as I know next to nothing on vintage jewelry! Thanks dude!

  5. Thanks for the tips; maybe there is a treasure in my jewelry box after all!

  6. Thanks for the links Duuuude. I have a real weakness for vintage jewelry (even the pieces with lost rhinestones, etc.), so you can imagine what kind of an assortment I have. LOL

    Actually, I get a lot of VE's rejects, but I'm happy with them. I'm partial to the pins and attach them to all sorts of things.

    Interesting and informative post.
