Saturday, September 25, 2010

My Wallpaper Obsession!

I love wallpaper!  I have a stash of it, but never have enough!   I like to use it to make tags, paper beads and handmade envelopes.  It's just wonderful for making paper beads, my favorite, in fact.

These are paper beads made from wallpaper, you can see the actual wallpaper used behind them.
These are some handmade envelopes made from wallpaper.

I especially like books!  With wallpaper books, I get coordinated papers all in one!

But I never pass on rolls or sheets.

With all that said, take a look at this online shop I found!  It's located in NY and someday I'd like to visit this store and touch each and every piece of wallpaper!
Click on photo above and prepared to be wowed!  It's a shop called SecondHandRose!  What an assortment of wallpaper!

While there, stop by and check out the Linoleum section!   It's to die for!
 This one below has got to be one of my favorites!

Let's visit one more online shop!
Bradbury & Bradbury (click on image above)

Just looking at this shop and the retro wallpapers, makes me wanna.

Hope you enjoy our visit to wallpaper lane!  

*****Please note:  Our contest ends at Midnight tonight!  Please stop by and enter:*****


  1. I'm afraid to look at the wallpaper places cuz I'm sure I'll want to visit often. Love the beads - they are BOTH very cool. Nice job. I'll give in and visit those shops in just a bit. If you don't hear from me in 24 hours, send in the search party! haha

  2. wow....I can just imagine you wandering through the store touching!
    Your beads are so cool, and what a great idea to use the wallpaper for tags and beads...etc...

  3. Oh Dear....I feel another collection coming on!
    I will not collect wallpaper, I will not collect wallpaper, I will...........

  4. This is wonderful! I go nuts over shops like this, and if they were close to me I could so easily get lost. LOL

    Several years ago I had access to wallpaper books and thoroughly enjoyed creating with the paper.

    Great post ducky.
