Thursday, April 7, 2011

Latch Hook Rugs!

Remember latch hook rugs?  You know, with the Aunt Lydia's rug yarn in tiny bundles?  Or if you wanted to do your own, you bought the canvas and skeins of Aunt Lydia's and cut it all down to small pieces.  You can still buy them but there's a whole new area of latch hook rugs to do these days!
I found this booklet:

They suggest using fleece!  I made this rug from strips of cotton fabric:

I can't tell you how long ago I made this rug and it still holds up!  Shake it out occasionally and a few times, throw it in the washing machine, it's still going strong after all these years!
Another one using latch hook was this one:

Very strange, huh?  It's made with those loops used on looms for potholders.

You got to admit, it goes with any color! 
Here's a few more booklets you can find to make awesome latch hook rugs.


If you have a lot of scrap fabrics, you can cut them down into 3/4" by 4" strips and buy canvas a few inches larger all around than you want the finished project  and simply latch hook the strips randomly in color onto the canvas.  You have a fabric rug!  No need to buy rug binding, either anymore, just fold about 3 or 4 rows up to the back and sides, then latch through those rows (double rows for a bit) and the sides and ends will stay put. 
Have fun!


  1. I enjoyed reading your blog ~ thanks for posting such useful content./Nice article and great photos. Very nicely done!

  2. I remember the latch hook rugs and I love the one you did out of cotton fabric. Your instructions make it sound so easy, and I know it's not.....

    Is there any creative artform you haven't done? :0)

  3. I haven't tried tattooing yet, pepper. Wanna be my first? :o)

  4. I have not done latch hooking yet either...thought about it once a long time ago though...does that count?

    I love the antique latch hooked rugs...and yes they too stand the test of time and use...

    Thanks for this great article...!

  5. I never did a rug, but I remember the loops form potholders. (made my fair share of them) Very cool. Like that 3rd one with all the colors. And yes, goes with anything.

    Nice post! I need to find something you've never tried before (but somehow, I feel like I'd be searching forever)

  6. I mean "loom" Geez, it's been one of those days. hahaha

    Never MADE a rug. haha

  7. Love this blog, so many fun memories lately!

    Yes, I used to make these with my mom along with macrame plant hangers. In fact, our house was filled with them!
