Thursday, March 31, 2011

Shout out of Thanks!

(NOTE:  You can click on the photos to go directly to the shop or listings)
Recently, I was in the market for a new purse.  I spent weeks looking at any store I could think of but I just do not like what is out there these days.  They are either too big, too small, not enough pockets, too punkie or just plain ugly.
I was in an Etsy thread one night and came across this seller:  
and the first thing to catch my eye was this purse:

OMG, so me, jeans and T-shirts all the way!  Great size, perfect amount of pockets etc.  So, I contacted Mary to see if she would do a custom order for me.  She was willing, but little did she know what she was in for!  I really wanted something to match my new glasses (black and aqua):

Many convos later (poor Mary!) she got to work and ten days later, look what arrived at my door!

Made from a pair of black jeans!  Click on photo to see the listing of it and see the insides, it's amazing!  She took the pockets off the jeans and used them for pockets on the purse.  Her work is wonderful, please stop by her shop and look around.  She has Mary Engelbreit wristlets and great shoulder bags.
I love this one: 
And I want to buy this one for my Mom for Christmas, but don't tell her! 

Then, I want to put gift cards in the pockets for her to find, I think that will be fun!
Thanks Mary, for all your hard work, I love my new purse!

Have you ever looked everywhere for something and just can't find the one for you?


  1. I've checked out Mary's shop and the winner for me is the same one you picked for your Mom. I love this print and style! Her work is beautiful.

    Love the new glasses too. :0)

  2. Thank you so much, Karen, for featuring our transaction in your blog. It was a pleasure working with you, and it really helped that you had an idea of what you wanted. Please come back and order custom any time! It's always fun to see what we can come up with.

  3. I also like the one you picked for your mom. How cool to have a purse custom made for you!

  4. Wow! Sewing on denim is not easy and to see the quality and care in these items is awe-inspiring....I do admit to a small handbag addiction.... and these are beautiful :)

  5. Oooh... lovely bags!
    I like the one for your mom too.
    Your bag is one of a kind and very cool!

  6. I am not a purse kinda woman, but I must admit those are really cool. And love the inside decor and the denim combo. Nice post RWS.
